Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Support the animals!

Watch this fantastic lip dub video by the Wake County (NC) SPCA. Then rush right out and donate your time or money to your local animal shelter. It will be good for your heart!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Biking with EveryTrail

I got a carrier for my iPhone that I mounted on my bike. I used EveryTrail for the iPhone to track my ride. It's okay, but I can't see how far I've gone and the controls are a little confusing to me. Below is the map that it created.

Bike ride around Foxboro

EveryTrail - Find the best Hiking in Massachusetts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What if...

I had a stereotactic biopsy done on my right breast. It was a highly unpleasant experience because of the depth and the fact that the doctor didn't wait long enough for the lidocaine to take effect. But it made me wonder...what if it had been the left side where my ICD is? Could it have been done? Would it have hurt more? What happens if the needle hits a lead?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Vegetable Broth

Vegetable Broth by pjbishop93
Vegetable Broth, a photo by pjbishop93 on Flickr.

It's a rainy day and I need to clean out the pantry so I'm making vegetable broth. I've also been throwing vegetable scraps and peelings into a container in the freezer so I throw those in, too. I plan to use some of the broth in a vegan shepherd's pie recipe I found today. I'll freeze the rest for use in soups and stews later.

Being efficient and thrifty makes me happy. Just like getting a good report from the EP cardio yesterday--3.11 volts left on my ICD battery so it should last a good bit longer. I am not looking forward to the surgery to replace the battery because I keloid. My scar looks horrible and only gets worse every time they open me up. So here's to efficient battery usage!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lost Roads

I went out for a run today that included roads I haven't run before. It's all part of my quest to run every road in Foxboro. Because one section of the map was hard to read, I double checked with Google Maps. A-OK. Turn right on Clarendon, left on Johnson, left on Arlington, back to Pleasant and off towards the center of town. You have to zoom in on the map below to see the spot I'm talking about.

View Larger Map

I was moseying along nicely, singing my tunes. I turned right on Clarendon. It was a cul-de-sac. So I backtracked and continued on Pleasant. I turned down Arlington. It, too, was a cul-de-sac. There was no Johnson to be seen.

I could easily have been in an unfamiliar area (on vacation or a business trip). Lost roads would be much more of a problem under those conditions.

So caution, all my runner friends. Google Maps are not perfect. Always carry ID and your phone (both of which I forgot today because I was rushing to get out of the car). In fact, get a Road ID band and put on your shoe.

The upside to today's adventure was that I got back to my car just minutes before another rainstorm started.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Testing out posting from my phone.

Testing out posting from my phone.